
Past Collection Exhibitions

Design Collection Ⅳ

February 8 - April 23, 2024

"IPT2024 is coming! Part 2: 1980s INTERNATIONAL POSTER TRIENNIAL IN TOYAMA" International Poster Triennial in Toyama is known around the world by the abbreviation 「IPT」. This poster exhibition began in 1985 at this museum's predecessor, Museum of Modern Art, Toyama, and it is an international open call exhibition, the only of its kind in Japan, continuing to be held once every three years. This exhibition will mainly introduce selected works from the first exhibition (IPT1985) and the second exhibition (IPT1988). There are probably many of you wondering, "Why is there a public poster exhibition being held in Toyama?" Since its opening in 1981, the Museum of Modern Art has positioned the field of design as a form of expression that reflects the times, just like paintings and sculptures. It was also unique for a local public museum that the posters for special exhibitions were all created by the designer Kazumasa Nagai. From the time the Museum of Modern Art opened, exhibitions of contemporary graphic design were held, and it has established relationships with leading designers such as Kamekura Yusaku, Tanaka Ikkou, and Fukuda Sigeo. At that time, Japanese poster design was gaining acclaim in overseas public exhibitions such as Warsaw. Next, an international call for posters was held in Japan, and then in Toyama, and with the support of master designers from Japan,IPT began. Even after moving and opening in 2017 as Toyama Prefectural Museum of Art and Design , IPT continues to be held. In this exhibition, along with posters from selected works from about 40 years ago, we will also introduce new posters produced by leading designers who serve as executive committee members of and judges for IPT2024 under IPT2024's independent production theme 「Think ( )」. As you tour the exhibition rooms, we hope that you will become increasingly excited about the IPT2024 exhibition scheduled to be held this autumn. 


Period February 8 - April 23,2024
Opening Hours 9:30 AM-6:00 PM [Last admission is 5:30 PM]
Closed Wednesdays,(Open on March 20,2024),Februay 13,March 21,2024
Admission Adults 300yen [*240yen]
  • This ticket is for both the TAD Collection [Room 1] and the Design Collection [Room 5,6].
  • For groups of 20 people or more, admission fees in [* ] are applied.
  • Free admission both to collection exhibitions and special exhibitions for the following visitors.
    1. Children, students [elementary, junior high or high school students, etc.]
    2. Persons escorting children/students for school activities or social activities. [Submission of admission free application is necessary.]
    3. Disabled people with a physical disability certificate.
  • For seniors [70 and above] and university students or younger, admission to collection exhibitions is free.
Venue 3F exhibition room 5
Organized by Toyama Prefectural Museum of Art and Design