International Poster
Triennial in Toyama
Triennial in Toyama
International Poster Triennial in Toyama
International Poster Triennial in Toyama: IPT
This exhibition of posters chosen from throughout the world is intended to provide a review of the current state of international poster design.

- Second screening result announcement
- The prize winners and their works
- Second Screening Judging Comments and Message
- First screening result announcement
- First Screening judging comments
- Category A
- Category B
- U30+Student Category
- IPT2024 Entry Guidelines (Click here)
International Poster Triennial in Toyama: IPT
This exhibition of posters chosen from throughout the world is intended to provide a review of the current state of international poster design.
"The 14th international Poster Triennial in Toyama [IPT2024]" will be held from October 12[Sat.] - December 15[Sun.], 2024.
Click here for details.
- IPT2021 Entry rules and guideline
- IPT2021 Entry form